Celebrating 37 Years as Executive Consultants for the National Non-Profit Sector
NPPN conducts a four-step search process
Step 1: Discovery
Conduct meetings with client, senior staff, board search committee members to understand the organization’s culture, mission, challenges, and vision.
Assist in developing and/or reviewing job description.
Maintain client contact with updates throughout the process.
Create an executive position synopsis for use in marketing and recruitment.
Create a key competency profile and score card based on established position parameters for use by NPPN and the search committee in the recruitment, pre-screening, and interview process.
Step 3: Candidate Assessment and Selection
Communicate with all candidates who have applied.
Review, evaluate and assess the most qualified candidates with a telephone screen, and in-person pre-screen interviews.
Present the “A List” candidates to the search committee.
Discuss their candidacy, and select candidates to participate in the formal interview process.
Set-up and coordinate formal interview schedule with search committee and approved candidates.
Prepare and distribute interview packets to the search committee (to include candidate information, interview questions, schedules, illegal questions, etc.)
Participate in and facilitate interviews.
Conduct a debriefing session following the first interview to determine who will be asked to return for additional interviews.
Determine scope of second and third round interviews.
Conduct thorough interviews with professional references for the final candidates.
Step 2: Research and Recruitment
Research, recruit and utilize a targeted network to identify qualified candidates from the national non-profit and corporate sectors, as necessary.
Prepare and implement NPPN’s strategic approach to recruitment and networking looking for highly qualified passive and active candidates.
Conduct a database search for candidates with required skill level and experience from NPPN's extensive files.
Coordinate additional outreach via telephone contacts and professional networking.
Post position opening; (internet sites, trade journals, and other publications) when appropriate.
Share the job description and organization’s materials with identified candidates.
Step 4: Conclusion
Facilitate negotiations, as warranted.
Coordinate all correspondence to candidates not offered the position.
Follow-up within six months with client and candidate to assess transition.