Celebrating 37 Years as Executive Consultants for the National Non-Profit Sector
CEO Turnover Drives Need for Succession Planning
Click here to see a list of recent CEO turnover, from 2014 through May 2017
Succession planning begins in a high performance organization when it is determined that leadership changes in the C-Suite, especially for the CEO, are expected or anticipated as far out as possible. It is a decision a CEO must share with the highest level of confidentiality, sometimes only with a board president or an executive committee.
Since any thought of a succession plan, especially for a CEO, would have a significant impact on the organization, carefully thought and strategy must go into the development of plan of action, with flexible timelines and careful consideration of the culture and chemistry of the people involved.
NPPN has developed these succession plan guidelines, in four stages which are timeline flexible, per each organization's needs:
Step 1: Information Gathering/Research
Step 2: Market Analysis
One-on-one interviews with the current CEO
One-on-one interview with the current board chair
Group interview with the executive committee
Analysis of current strategic business plan
Review of all C-Suite employee job descriptions
One-on-one meetings with all C-Suite employees
Extensive research on competitive CEO and other C-Suite salaries
Potential realignment of agency's organizational chart to align with future business growth
Private interviews with top funding sources and other prominent stakeholders, to determine what the reaction might be in the market, about the organization's succession
Step 3: Working with internal staff and/or heir apparent
First, determine if there are any likely successors to the CEO, based on research done in phase one of this plan
Invest in bench strength by researching and recommending continuing education options to help buffer any skill-sets others on the C-Suite team might need to retain them within the organization
Develop a communications plan, internally focused, on how to keep all information confidential about the organization's plan of action, especially as any announcement is made about the CEO's plans (usually 12-18 months in advance of a retirement announcement)
Begin an analysis of the outside market for C-suite employees, in case any top leaders leave, in advance of a CEO's departure
Step 4: Preparing for an executive search
Work with executive committee on best role for the outgoing CEO, citing best industry practices
In advance of a search, conduct a market student of the potential candidate pool, across all sectors, to help educate the executive search committee about expectation in filling the position
Develop a timeline for the succession plan, at least a year or two ahead of time, and allow a full year to prepare for, conduct, and conclude the search process for the CEO
Work with the executive committee to determine what impact changing the CEO will have on the organizational chart (who else might leave, etc.)
Post-search services would include on boarding of the new executive, as well as benchmarking success of the transition per the board, staff, and CEO viewpoints